Friday, December 7, 2012

Ways to Make Money Online: Get Paid to Answer Questions

Answering questions online is a new way to make money on the Internet. There are several websites that can pay you for answering other people's questions and sharing your knowledge. You can make a decent income by giving advice and helping others solve their problems. People use these websites to get advice about topics they are not familiar with.

Most Q&A websites feature questions in a wide range of subject areas, including science, history, parenting, health, law, and pet care. The amount of money offered for each answer depends on the complexity of request and the area of expertise. Some of the most popular sites that pay users for answering questions are ChaCha, Know Brainers, Just Answer, and Answer Gem. You can use the Internet to find other websites that pay for your knowledge. The more you work, the more money you will make.

Everyone is an expert about something. Some people know everything about weight loss and dieting, while others are good at history, math, or accounting. Rates vary depending on your experience, education, and the category you apply for. Millions of people are willing to pay others to have their questions answered. For example, if you could get advice for $5 on how to fix your food processor, wouldn't you rather spend that $5 instead of paying hundreds of dollars to get it fixed by an expert?

Some Q&A websites will offer you a percentage of the revenue generated from advertisements, while others will pay you a fixed rate per question. Some of these sites encourage users to write tutorials, short guides, and how-to articles in order to show their expertise and gain popularity. The more active you are on these sites, the higher the revenue share you receive. Most websites request applicants to take a test and get through an online application process. You will basically need to answer a few simple questions to prove that you are an expert your field and show your skills.

There are opportunities to make money in different categories that you might qualify for. Some websites have strict requirements. Users can't answer questions unless they have a certificate or some sort of degree in the field that they apply for. You cannot answer questions that are outside of your field. These sites usually pay higher rates. Answering questions online is one of the many legitimate ways to get paid for what you know.

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What is Mortgage Insurance - What Are the Types?

Mortgage insurance is also sometimes called as mortgage guaranty. In simpler terms, this insurance can be described as an insurance policy with the help of which an investor or a lender can compensate any losses that may arise on the occasion of a mortgage loan becoming defaulted. There are two main types of this life insurance that are mainly used namely a private mortgage or a public mortgage.

Mortgage Life Insurance

Mortgage insurance is a life insurance policy that will pay off your home in the case of your untimely death. This policy will also offer you the ability to add disability, critical illness, and a return of premium or return of your money if you keep the policy for the full term.

In some circles Mortgage insurance could also mean Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).

In order to get a public mortgage insurance issued by the Federal Housing Administration, an insurance premium as a percentage of the loan will have to be paid at the time of closing. In most cases, this premium is paid by the lender on the behalf of the borrower. In some cases, a monthly premium may also be charged based on the loan-to-value ratio.

The main different kinds of mortgage insurances are:

Private Mortgage Insurance

This insurance is usually taken up in cases where the down payments are calculated to be below 20%. The insurance rates for this insurance are charged from 1.5% to 6% per year on the principal amount of the loan. The actual rate charged will depend upon several factors such as the percentage of the loan that is insured, the credit score, the loan to value etc. The premium rates for a private insurance on mortgage can actually be paid on a monthly, annual or lump sum basis. Certain companies also allow split premium conditions.

Borrower-Paid Private Mortgage Insurance

This is an insurance taken on mortgage loan defaults that is provided by an insurance company and the premium for which is paid by the borrower. By undertaking the payment for a borrower-paid private insurance on mortgage, a borrower can get a mortgage without being required to put in a down payment of 20%. This insurance provides coverage to the lender for the extra risk of giving a high loan-to-value mortgage.

Lender-Paid Private Mortgage Insurance

This insurance is exactly the same as a borrower-paid private insurance on mortgage except for the fact that in such a case, the insurance premium is paid by the lender. In most cases, the borrower of the mortgage loan is not even aware that the lender is covered by the insurance. For lender-paid private insurance, the lender usually includes the cost of the premium he or she is required to pay according to the interest rate that is charged on the loan from the borrower.

When you buy a house you might need to purchase PMI. Once you have the keys to your new home, you should look into purchasing mortgage life insurance which will pay off your house in case you die so your most important asset you home will be paid off free and clear for your beneficiaries.

What to Watch Out for in Medicare Supplement Coverage   Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage   How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   

Mothers, Children and Crisis Recovery Insurance

Crisis Recovery Insurance pays you an agreed lump sum if you are diagnosed with one or more serious medical illnesses. As a mother I realise that the impact of such a serious illness is as much about the children as it is about me. Not only do I need to recover but the children need to be cared for during my recovery. 

So what are the most common serious medical illnesses that crisis insurance can pay on? Statistically they are a heart attack, stroke, cancer and open heart surgery. Unfortunately they happen, often with a huge impact on your family. 

Have you ever sat down and worked out what it would cost to provide for the recovery and the children? It is quite significant. Even with full hospital cover you will require ongoing medical treatment, you may need to modify your house and you will need help with the household, especially the children. Unless you have generous family and friends, these costs probably start at $50,000 and then get worse. It really depends on what you suffer and how long it takes to recover. And your life may change forever. 

There is a number of qualifying requirements and options available when it comes to crisis recovery insurance. Generally pre-existing conditions are excluded from the specified illnesses. Crisis insurance options can include the possibility of structuring a policy so that it minimises the risk for multiple lifetime medical illnesses or alternatively the policy can be in place as a once off event. 

Every crisis recovery policy will specify the illnesses that are covered and may differ from one policy to the next. You need to speak with an insurance adviser to work out which would be best for your needs and budget. Just remember that some policies pay on diagnosis and others have a 90 day waiting period. 

You can take out stand alone crisis insurance or have it linked to term life insurance. A linked policy simply means that when paid it reduces the sum insured. For example, a $500,000 term life policy linked to a $200,000 crisis recovery policy (what they call a rider) means if you make a crisis recovery claim it would reduce the term life cover from $500,000 to $300,000. You get some cost savings with this type of approach. However, if the crisis recovery policy it is a stand alone policy then there is no impact on your term life policy. It can of course stand alone without any other personal risk insurance policies (i.e. life, income, TPD, etc.).

As crisis recovery insurance is a lump sum paid on diagnosis, you can cover many more of your future life costs. Consider a lifestyle change, paying out your mortgage and the children's education. Your objective should be to ensure your future is catered for. Working out exactly what this means for you is where having a good insurance adviser can help.

What to Watch Out for in Medicare Supplement Coverage   Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage   How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   

Medicare Insurance Plans - Understanding The Differences

If you are turning 65 and will be eligible for Medicare, you should consider getting one of the Medicare insurance plans that are available to you. Very few people become eligible for Medicare and decide that Medicare Parts A and B are enough coverage. There are just to many holes in Medicare not to consider purchasing a Medigap policy or joining a Medicare Advantage plan.

Anyone who has gotten close to Medicare age knows, you are literally inundated with information mailed to you. The most important information is sent from Medicare. This unbiased information gives you an overview of your options. Publications such as Medicare and You and Choosing a Medigap policy: A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare, include must-have information, but many people find the reading dry and boring.

Insurance companies will almost bury you with literature when you are about to turn 65. Just look at all the four color brochures in your mail box. Often, you get a high level overview, but not what you really want, clear language and an idea of cost.

Comparing Medicare insurance plans

Many people don't understand that a Medigap policy and a Medicare Advantage plan are two different types of insurance coverage.


A Medigap policy (Medicare supplement) is the traditional type of plan that has been around since 1965. It's called Medigap because it fill the gaps left by Medicare. Medicare Part A requires you to pay a hospital deductible and co-pays for extended stays and Part B requires that you pay 20% of all covered outpatient charges. A Medigap policy will, to varying degrees, fill these gaps.

Medigap insurance is available as one of several standardized plans. Plans will be the same from one company to the next. When you first become eligible for Medicare, you have an open enrollment period that lasts six months from the first day of the month that you become eligible. During this time an insurance company cannot refuse you the opportunity to purchase any policy that they sell, no matter what pre-existing medical conditions you may have.

If the Medigap policy is affordable, this is the best time to purchase. Compare rates with several companies, knowing that coverage will be the same no matter which company you look at. Standardization makes comparing Medigap insurance policies easy.

If you choose a Medigap policy you will also need to purchase a stand alone Part D drug plan, because it is not included in this type of Medicare plan.

Medicare Advantage

Advantage plans are not Medicare supplements. But rather, you are receiving your benefits from an insurance company that is approved and contracted with CMS (The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) to administer your Medicare. The idea behind this, is that a private insurance companies are more financially efficient than the federal government, and should be able to stretch the money allocated to give you more benefits.

Advantage plans do not fill the gaps, but rather give you set co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles that may control costs and limit your out-of-pocket expenses compared to Medicare. Advantage plans also often include Part D drug coverage, as well as many additional benefits not included in Medicare, such as dental,vision and hearing. Many people choose an Advantage plan because it will often have lower monthly premiums or no premiums at all.

Advantage plans also have an open enrollment period when you become Medicare eligible. Plans also have an annual enrollment period because companies contract for one calendar year at a time, and can change or discontinue plans each year.

Shopping for Medicare insurance plans

One of the most efficient ways of comparing Medicare insurance plans, is to do some research online. You can often shop for plans and get rates without having to leave your home. Another option would be to meet with a trusted insurance agent. If you choose to do this, make sure your agent represents several companies. Armed with some knowledge, you can avoid costly mistakes and compare the best Medicare insurance plans available.

What to Watch Out for in Medicare Supplement Coverage   Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage   How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   

Understanding Medigap

We are only humans and no no matter how careful we are in taking care of our health, we cannot completely avoid getting sick. Modern lifestyles even increase our risk for falling ill and even if we multi-vitamins or the anti-oxidants available in the market, we simply get sick more often today than people of older generations.

So, how can we ease the burden of our families when medical costs add up? Fact is, looking after us when we are sick can already be very taxing on them and if they have to worry about paying the bills in the hospital, we'll only be stressing them out more. Medications are yet another problem we will be facing when we are just average individuals who may not even make enough money for savings. And even if we're covered by Medicare, sometimes, there will be an excess of what this insurance covers. To make sure this gap is filled, getting Medigap insurance will go a long way.

Qualifying for medical supplementary insurance will depend on whether or not you are Medicare-covered. The following are two important and more detailed guidelines for qualifying for a supplemental policy:

1. If you are sixty five years old or older

2. If you are enrolled in Medicare A & B

When you're sure you qualify for Medigap, the next thing you need to do is explore the benefits you'll be enjoying by getting a medicare supplement insurance. First of all, this policy can offer you 100 percent hospital bill coverage when applied to specialty hospitals. Outpatient prescription drugs are dependent on the member's policy.

However, not every sickness is covered by Medigap. Diseases that require long-term treatment or care like eye or dental care, hearing aids, nursing care, eyeglasses and private-duty nursing are not covered by any medicare supplement insurance policy. Many people are interested to avail of prescription drug coverage and to do this, simply go to any private insurance company and tell them you need a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan which is called Part D Insurance.

If you want to know more about the ways a Medigap plan can help you, there are websites that tackle each plan and provide specific details about how you can make use of a particular policy for your added security. Medicare works but it can work better when you have something to supplement it during times when it simply won't suffice to pay for everything.

What to Watch Out for in Medicare Supplement Coverage   Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage   How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   

In Colorado, Cancer Insurance Provides Further Financial Protection and Peace of Mind

Recent statistics underscore the fact that for residents of Colorado, cancer insurance is a wise investment. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 1,479,3950 individual cancer diagnosis cases were documented in 2009, 20,340 of which were residents of Colorado. What is even more alarming are the numbers for cancer treatment costs.

The cost of cancer treatment amounts to billions of dollars each year. According to the National Institute of Health, 219 billion dollars were spent for treating cancer cases in 2007, only 89 billion dollars of which covered direct medical costs. The bulk of cancer treatment costs stem from lost productivity and other indirect costs. Known as the hidden costs of cancer, these are usually out-of-pocket expenses such as transportation and gas charges, home care and childcare incidentals.

Cancer insurance can greatly benefit those with a high risk of getting the dreaded disease in Colorado. While most standard health insurance carriers can cover the medical costs of cancer treatment, they cannot be used to pay for indirect expenses. As a form of supplemental health insurance, a cancer insurance policy can reinforce the financial protection already provided by standard health insurance plans. Because the benefits are paid directly to the policy holder, he or she can freely determine how the money will be used.

The state of Colorado has some of the highest rates for cancer-related deaths. In Colorado, cancer insurance can protect families from the potentially heavy financial burden caused by cancer treatments. To have further peace of mind, it is advisable to sign up for a supplemental cancer insurance policy.

What to Watch Out for in Medicare Supplement Coverage   Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage   How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   

Why Breast Cancer Insurance is Not an Unnecessary Expense

Is there a need for breast cancer insurance? In a recent study by the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in women. Excluding cancers of the skin, breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women. In 2009, more than 60,000 new cases of in situ breast cancer were estimated to have occurred.

Every woman has a high likelihood of getting the dreaded disease. It would do well to prepare for it. Indeed, standard health insurance plans include coverage for treatment of the disease. Signing up for a health insurance policy may ensure the significant deduction of medical costs such as surgery, consultations and even hospitalization charges. There are certain costs, however, which are not covered by standard health insurance. Such incidentals as coinsurance payments, insurance deductibles, home care and transportation charges may make up the bulk of cancer treatment costs. Considering that there are certain treatments that are continuous, many women are in danger of falling under the heavy financial burden of living with cancer.

Breast cancer insurance is not an unnecessary expense because it can greatly help individuals weather the expensive costs of cancer treatment. As a form of supplementary insurance, the cash benefits of cancer insurance policies can be used to pay for the costs not covered by standard health insurance. It can reinforce one's financial protection and strengthen one's peace of mind. With the issue of tacking treatment expenses out of the way, cancer patients and their families can focus more on finding the most effective treatments and procedures.

What to Watch Out for in Medicare Supplement Coverage   Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage   How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   

New 2010 Modernized Medicare Supplement Plans

Medicare insurance is a health insurance program for citizens who are over 65 years old. it covers different types of treatments, doctors visits as well as hospitalization and many other medical related expenses apart from those that are incurred by care for the long term. It takes care of up to 80% and depends on a number of things such as the type of coverage the patient is under. There are times where people are not able to make co-payment in cash and therefore they opt for Medicare supplemental insurance that are available and managed by different companies but work with Medicare guidelines National Medicare supplements come with 12 options from which the clients can choose. Though they all have different types of terms and conditions, they contain the basic Medicare benefits. The difference is seen in the premium, as well as the expenses that the client will pay which vary from one company to the other.

Also known as Medigap, Medicare supplemental insurance is not available in other states and in others like Massachusetts, Minnesota and Wisconsin; it is very different from the others. The plan is divided into different policies as below

• Basic coverage plan A-F Part A policy covers for one extra year after the termination of Medicare Benefits. Part B is similar to Part A and comes with a deductible coverage for part A. Part C comes with extra coverage as compared to A and B which include coverage for part b deductible as well as skilled nurse care, emergency care when overseas and others.

Plan F comes with the basic coverage benefits and coverage for A and B deductible. It is a good option as it offers a high deductible option meaning that the premiums are lowered drastically. Plan G comes with basic coverage and is part A deductible. Other benefits include medical expenses overseas and at home recovery. It does not cover Part B deductible and preventative care although it is quite affordable.

• Plan K and L It comes with the benefit of an extra year after Medicare benefits is terminated, and additional coverage of 50% of hospice and cost sharing, part b deductible. Plan L is similar to K but instead of 50%, it covers for 75% of the clients expenses. These plans are good if the client is seeking lower premium.

• Plan E,H,I and J The modernized plan 2010 does not include the plans J,H,E,I starting in June but those who have the plan prior to June will have the option of keeping it if they want to. The companies will allow the users to change these plans to any new plan they want.

• Plan M and N These are new plans introduced in the Medicare insurance. it will feature an increase of out-of-pocket expenses in case of claims though the premiums will be lower. They do not come with Part B deductible or excess amount coverage.

What to Watch Out for in Medicare Supplement Coverage   Medicare Supplement Plan N - Smart Alternative To Medicare Advantage   How Can You Find Best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?   Get Event Insurance Online   A Guide To Medicare Supplemental Insurance   How Does a Medigap Policy Work?   

Sample Medical Billing Contract - My Biggest Mistake

When starting a medical billing business there are many things to think about and writing a contract is just one of them. There are many expenses in getting started and most of us just starting out don't want to spend our limited investment money on an attorney. So what do many of us do? We "google" sample medical billing contract and use what we think sounds good and make up a contract for our business. That can be a big mistake.

That's what we did sixteen years ago when we started our business except there was no '"Google" then. But we basically searched until we found a sample, very simple contract and modified it for our use. For several years we told ourselves that it was fine and if it wasn't working out for the provider then it wasn't working for us either and we should move on and find new clients. It took us a long time to realize that in several situations our simple contract was actually the reason things were not working out.

When you first start your medical billing business you have no idea of the things that can go wrong in a relationship with your clients so you do not know what needs to be included in a contract. Our first contract did not even specify the responsibilities of either the provider or ourselves. It is amazing we were able to find providers willing to sign our contract. If you don't include the responsibilities of each party in the contract how does it protect either of you when the relationship starts to fall apart? And if neither party knows their responsibilities, how can you expect that the relationship will work?

Here is an example. You specify in the contract that it is the obligation of the provider's office representative to supply you with all the payment remittances but you are not getting them which is causing you to do a lot of extra work in contacting the insurance carriers to check status on claims that were already paid. It is upsetting to spend three or four hours calling insurance companies to find that the claims were paid but the doctor's office missed sending you the eobs. When the doctor has signed a contract that says that he will designate a person responsible for that purpose you can nicely inform the person responsible for getting you the eobs that this is such an important issue to you that it is written into the contract that the doctor signed that you are to be provided with the eobs. You can also include a provision in the contract to specify what you can do if the provider is not providing you with the eobs.

Another important example is an issue you will undoubtedly run into - your payment. Many people who start this business are used to receiving a regular paycheck. When you make the move to being an entrepreneur and owning your own business you can only write yourself a paycheck if your providers pay you. You need an understanding with your providers as to when you are going to be paid for your services. Doctors are often not the best businessmen and are sometimes not very good about paying bills on time. Especially when you are first starting your business it is vital that your provider understands when you expect payment and that you have something well written to protect you if you end up with someone interpreting the language of your contract in court.

Each year you are in business you find additional things that need to be added to your contract. New situations arise that you realize should be covered in your contract. So how do you cover everything that needs to be covered? You need a list - actually several lists. You need a list of what you feel the provider's responsibilities are. You need a list of what you feel your responsibilities are. You want to imagine a symbiotic relationship with your providers and then list the reasons this relationship works and put those actions in your contract as responsibilities of yourself or the provider.

You need a list of everything that you have ever heard of going wrong in a medical billing business between the provider and the biller. You need to decide how you would avoid those situations if possible and cover how it would best be handled in your contract if unavoidable.

What you are charging your provider and how you will get paid is a fairly important part of your contract. Are you charging a percentage, a flat rate, or a per claim fee? Is it clearly defined how you are charging? Is the percentage on what is billed out or what is received? Are patient payments included? If charging per claim, what constitutes a claim? Is it a line on a claim form or is it per page?

You also need to take into account what will happen when the relationship ends. It may be expected, as when someone retires, or it may be unexpected but you need to have a plan in place for when the relationship ends. It will be a much better parting of ways if you have a plan of action for how things will be handled.

The whole reason for a good contract is to protect you but your contract can do much more than protect. You can weed out potential problem providers that will drive you crazy. If you are not in agreement with your providers on what each of you will be contributing to the relationship then the likelihood of the account going smoothly is very small. Don't make the mistake of skimping on an important part of your business that may save you from defending yourself in court down the road. Make sure you take the time and experience of others to get everything you need covered in your contract.

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Obama Saves Medicare? Maybe Not.

President Obama on Saturday took credit for placing Medicare on a more certain fiscal path.

Washington Post

I am not a big fan of Megan McArdle, a columnist for the Atlantic, but she has been right on about the administration's spacious Medicare accounting. Obama's recent proclamation of Medicare's improved financial status relies upon these spurious accounting tricks, and future projections he knows to be wrong.

The controversy centers around the Obama administration using the same funds to both lower the deficit and to credit Medicare. I refer you to McArdle's article for a detailed explanation of Medicare accounting. To summarize, Medicare's funds are commingled with those of the federal treasury, and spent immediately. If Medicare pays doctors and hospitals less, the "savings" can be considered as either a credit against future Medicare expenses or to lower the federal deficit. McArdle calls this "double counting". I call it unbelievable.

Even more incongruous that the "saving Medicare" assumptions include a 30% decrease in the payment schedule for doctors. It is a virtual impossibility that Congress would vote for such a decrease, and Obama knows this. Ironically, if the cuts were instituted, many doctors would refuse to see Medicare patients and the program itself would implode. No matter what the outcome, Medicare remains in deep trouble.

The passage of Obamacare did not save Medicare, but instead has made a difficult situation even more intractable. The misleading rhetoric coming out of Washington will make the upcoming collisions with reality even harder.

As the old joke goes, "I have good news and bad news. The operation was a success, but the patient died".


Scott Wilson, "Obama takes credit for healthier Medicare," The Washington Post, Saturday, August 7, 2010. Megan McArdle, "Administration Still Double-Counting Medicare Cuts," August 3 2010, The Atlantic. 5 Things to Consider When Selecting the Right Medical Billing Service   Health Insurance Leads Information   How Communications Affects the Relationship Between a Provider and a Medical Billing Service   Medical Billing And Coding Job Description And Salary - What Do Medical Billers Do?   A Medical Billing and Coding Salary Comparison   

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